Divine Leaders Inc. has launched a program to help eliminate food deserts in the greater Houston Metropolitan Area. The mission of the program is to increase sustainability of low-income communities by taking grass lawns and developing them into ecologically and economically sustainable urban gardens and edible landscapes.
PurposeGrub Not Grass was created to economically develop private land in neighborhoods with ineffective land use practices and poor access to healthy produce in Houston, TX. Divine Leaders will use the advantage of large landscaping areas of personal homes, businesses, schools, and churches to cultivate urban gardens and edible landscapes.
The goal of Grub Not Grass is to organize open land that is attached to personal property, business, and institutions to cultivate and grow food in areas used predominantly to grow grass or other inedible plants. A team of growers, pickers, packagers, and retailers will work together to grow and distribute fresh produce in areas presently known as food deserts.
By administering the project Grub Not Grass, Divine Leaders Inc. will:
- Improve the efficiency of land use by grow and distribute food in areas known as food deserts.
- Demonstrate, consult, and teach how growing gardens can revitalize low-income communities.
- Use a communal growing space to sustainably employ low-income individuals.
- Increase the supply of quality produce and agricultural products in food deserts.
- Create and operate “Open Markets” for local growers to supply food directly to local consumers.
- Improve the overall quality of life (economically, psychologically, and physically) for individuals in food deserts and low-income communities.
Grub Not Grass is a program that will cultivate and grow food on the property of participating land owners. A gardening agreement will be made between property owners and Divine Leaders Inc. to grow a particular group of crops over a period of two years on their land. All participating land owners will have an option to participate in a food sharing program. After food is picked from separate locations, excess food will be shared with other food sharing participants. The remaining produce will be sold in our own community, farmer’s markets, open markets, and vending booths at different events and locations. To find out how you can participate in this groundbreaking project contact a Divine Leaders representative at 713.396.0001 or email at divineleadersinc@gmail.com