Monday, May 10, 2010

Now Accepting Nominations for Marcus Garvey Liberation Food Coop Program Reciepients

Peace Family!

I wish you all blessings wherever you may be at this moment. This is a very important and exciting time for us at Divine Leaders Inc. This is because of the success of our latest program, The Marcus Garvey Liberation Garden and Food Coop Program. So this blog entry is to update you on the continued success of the Garden and beginning of the Food Coop Program.

On the day of March 6, 2010, we planted a numerous seeds in the garden after our Groundbreaking Ceremony. We planted corn, roma tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, green beans, broccoli, kale, cucumbers, squash, watermelons, oregano, peppermint, and rosemary. For some reason the herbs we planted did not do to well, but we still do have all the vegetables mentioned above flourishing in the garden as you can see in the pictures below. As time has passed we have discovered a wild berry tree in the back of the garden, planted a nectarine tree, and added seven banana trees. Well now it is time to start reaping the fruits of our labor.

The first crop that was ready to be harvested was Kale. We picked it and distributed between out most dedicated volunteers. Now our squash, tomatoes, and green beans are maturing. In honor of the ancestors and all of who have helped us along the way, we would like to announce that we are now accepting nominations for five poverty stricken households that will start to receive fresh veggies as we pick them.

For a household to qualify they must house at lease one child, or one elderly citizen of our community. Initially, we only planned on opening this program to senior citizens and single-parent households living under the poverty line in the Southeast area of Houston, TX. Now we are announcing that this program is open to all poverty stricken households in Southeast Houston, TX.

The nomination process is a little different. We wanted this process to demonstrate how important we feel the words of the elders are. So the only way to be nominated for this part of the program is to be nominated by an elder. Any elder (50 years or older) of the community can contact Cavanaugh Nweze via email (, phone (832-262-8019), or in person. If an email is sent please be sure to include “Nomination for MGLG” in the subject line of the email.

After an individual has been nominated they must complete an evaluation form. Then their after the evaluation they will be notified if they will be one of the five households receiving fresh fruits and vegetables.

So please spread the word!!! Nominate a household!!! Or simply enjoy the pictures....